I thought I could ignore it. I thought I could just shake my head and think to myself what a donkey this bitch is. But I can't help it....I had to send inmate #555Jackass a letter.
Dear Stanky Brown,
So I hear that being sentenced to a year in jail means nothing to you. I mean you couldn't even hear the people talking to you on the Blackberry that you chose to hit that girl with....was it worth it? Do you really think that missing court appointed bus rides to court for silly reasons such as applying your make-up and eating lunch in the prison cafeteria is going to help you sell albums? And now you've gone and gotten yourself put in solitary due to three separate altercations. Word has it you almost got your ass shanked and that is why the girl you was fighting got 11 days. But you got 76 days because of all of your previous shaninigans. What are you really trying to prove Stanky? After all of this we still don't believe you. You are seriously like the corniest bitch out there. You are 28 years old and you think getting beat up by hookers and beating up nail salon bitches is cute. It's not and we are all so over you. You are a loser. You are done. I hope you use solitary as a time to reflect over what you are doing to yourself and your career. I hope you are able to find yourself and realize that you have no idea who you are and are so far from understanding your self worth that I can guarantee you that what you mistake for love/support from others right now is nothing but pity.
We as a people, especially in this country are idiots, so who knows....maybe when you get out your album will go beyond platinum. I can only hope that at some point you will understand that you are sending a message to other hood rat little girls that going to jail and all that wack bullshit is how to rise to the top. That would be asking for a lot though....seeing as how you aren't only deaf, but based on the shade of lipstick you insist on wearing, you are clearly blind and it was obvious to us a long time ago that you are dumb as hell.
Get it together Stanky,
This is the funniest thing EVER... FU, this letter is amazing/// I have to feature this letter in the 'worst of 2007' coverage that I plan to do... is that okay??? - I'll give you full credit --- you are worth it!!!
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