Sunday, October 14, 2007

Diane and Robin Rock the Fugly Shoes

So a while ago I posted some ree-diculous looking shoes that Marc Jacobs debuted in his Spring 2008 collection...if you don't remember click here: Walk This Way Bitches! Anyway, a month later on Good Morning America, Diane, Robin, and some others were practicing walking around in the shoes which means that the shoe is probably going to end up being more than just in, bitches are really going to be walking on their toes. Diane was bouncing around in hers, and Robin had on a pair that looked like they should be worn by the gridiron gang. Anyway....should you see these in your shoe stores and choose to be the first of (probably) many, please send me a pic of you in these shoes and let me know what they feel like. In the meantime, watch the women of GMA walk this way, click: Fugly Shoes