Monday, December 10, 2007

It's All About The O!

In case you missed it, please check out Oprah makin it do wut it do supporting B. Obama for Prez!!!! I can't tell you how much I love the fact that Lady O is putting her stamp on the man who is the only candidate who can make life better not just for her....think about it. Oprah doesn't need B. Obama to be Prez. If she sticks with the jackass republicans she'll never have to pay as much taxes as she should on her billion dollar salary, Oprah doesn't have to worry about nobody's health care, or the job market, the housing market or the fact that she makes millions per minute while this country is going into a new millennium depression etc. She is reppin for Barack because he can help US. The black people of this country who no one else gives a fuck about. The black people in this country who don't have a voice. She knows that Barack is going to be our voice. He is going to bring hope and change to a group of people that would never otherwise see or feel the change that we so desperately need and deserve. Doesn't it just make sense? If not, just listen.


Elle said...


CHA CHA said...