Wednesday, January 2, 2008

F.U. Love Da Kids!

So US Weekly created a list of the celeb babies of 2007....the usuals were on the list....Suri, Shiloh, and Violet but my girls D'Lila Star-ruh and Jessie James made the list too! To see the full list click: Who pooped in their pamper?

Seriously, how cute are they?! I could just eat every single last roll they got....and those cheeks! And is that cheetah they rockin?

Yeah, I don't even know who this is...I just wanted to know why they couldn't gel this lil girl's hair down or maybe curl it with some Jessie's Puddin...and maybe get her some pants that fit so it don't look like she hang did you not know she was taking pictures?

This is Tiger's baby, Sam. She's cute. She looks Pakistani. As long as she don't look black, right Tiger?


Elle said...

Those twins are too cute...all rolly polly! And the lil dresses with the name plate necklaces...killin me.