Thursday, March 20, 2008

ANTM: Buckwheat In a Headlock

OK so Fatima's armpit hair wasn't that serious but that was an entertaining moment for me in last night's episode of America's Next Top Model. Last night focused on Whitney, Dominique and Marvita. Whitney, the plus-sized model, clearly thinks she is fabulous, knows she's a bitch and doesn't like Dominique. Dominique, is trannyliscious, believes that she is already America's Next Top Model, and doesn't follow the phone list and thus missed her time on the phone. She and Whitney fought about the phone and Dominique called Whitney racist blah blah blah...boring. Not to mention, I hate when white people say they aren't racist because they have a black friend and um, everybody keeps telling me Dominique is white. In any case, and more importantly, Marvita, felt the weight of being ghetto and her traumatic life experiences coming down on her. She began to believe that she wasn't worthy.

The challenge was a Pose Off under the direction of the way too fierce Vogue 'inventor' Benny Ninja and model Vendala. Benny had the girls 'learn' how to pose for Catalogue, Commercial, and Couture. They were divided into teams and had to battle it out while The Kids gave two snaps, lemme fix my hair, and a shimmer applicay in a split formation for all the girls that posed with the fierceness. Personally, I didn't think any of them did anything great but I thought Dominique did well and I knew she would because she was amongst her people. When Whitney dropped in the split, as she saw one of the kids do, I was like well alright then -- you better work. Still don't like the bitch tho. Marvita was a mess. She just did the robot with a leg lift. BUT it didn't get no worse than Fatima. She literally started moving on top of the girl she was battling! She is such a weirdo. Anyway, the team Claire is on wins and they get to go to a swag tent and since Claire was the best on her team, she won a trip to Bora Bora. Nice.

Claire and Stacy Ann strike a pose ( Elle this one is for you - da bicycle!)

The photo shoot was a close up face shot with creative bendy/pointy hair and paint squirts on the face. This was prolly my favorite photo shoot to date. It was really simple but very artistic. During panel, Fatima's under arm hair was the focus and she said she doesn't shave. I mean, she is from Africa and I would think Tyra would understand that that is just something they prolly don't care too much about. Not to mention, while the hair was real visible, for her not to shave at all, it wasn't even that serious. But seriously, I'm glad they were sure to tell her that a models' primary duty is to be clean and shaved. So I'm sure she went home and hit that. Dominique took my favorite shot and I couldn't believe it. She actually looked pretty in her picture. She is never pretty to me. She has a beauty about her but she isn't pretty. She pulled it off and I was pleased. Marvita, like so many before her, let the pressure get to her and she was defeated. She didn't even try. But even without trying, I thought her picture was a good one. She looked sad and like she wished she could understand why she is who she is. I wish I could tell her she is going to be asking herself that question for the rest of her life. The real challenge is accepting who you are and loving yourself because of it.

Dominique does pretty in paint

Underarm hair and all, Fatima's face is ferosh

Lauren works the camera like nobody's business

There is beauty in Marvita's sadness


Elle said...

woo hoo! just what I was looking for! thank you kindly i will be swiping that :)