Monday, March 3, 2008

Just For Giggles...

So news has been boring as hell these past few days....or it could be that I just don't give a damn. However, I did come across a new lil something that made me shake my head and giggle. Ya'll memba Saaphyri from Flava of Love? Memba she was the one who beat the bitch up 2 minutes after they walked in the house because the she stole the girl's bed? Is it coming back? Yeah, she was the one who then proceeded to offer the girl, who has a knot on her head and is in tears because of the beat down she just got, some lip chap. Riiiiight. Her. Well here is her new "commercial" for her new line of Lip Chap. It is more like soft porn. I don't think she can sell this before 11 PM. Does it make you want some lip chap?


TravelDiva said...

LMBAO! It looks like an ad for a sex hotline. She needs to stop it! Is that any way for the winner of Charm School to act? LOL