Friday, April 25, 2008

A Lil Just Why In The Mornin: No Justice

So........seems round these parts it is quite alright to shoot an unarmed man 50 times for no good reason. However, should you 'forget' to pay your taxes, Wesley Snipes, you will be sentenced to three years in the pokey. Paris fuckin Hilton served time in jail but three cops who kill an unarmed man on his wedding day, wounding two others, are acquitted. I just don't understand. I am in complete shock and am disturbed by this on all levels.

For those of you who don't know, a 23 year-old man, Sean Bell, was executed leaving a strip club hours before he was to be married. Three cops claimed they thought he and his friends were armed and proceeded to shoot him 50 times, murdering him and severely wounding his two friends. There were actually a total of 5 cops who shot at the three men and all five cops were in plain clothes and never identified themselves as police officers. Only three were charged and this trial has gone on for quite some time and it just seemed obvious that no matter what the defense said, there was no way justice would not be served.

According to the judge he acquitted all three men based on the following:

"Justice Arthur Cooperman said he found problems with the prosecution's case. He said some prosecution witnesses contradicted themselves, and he cited prior convictions and incarcerations of witnesses.

He also cited the demeanor of some witnesses on the stand."

"Noting that Bell, Benefield and Guzman had criminal records, Cooperman questioned why they chose for Bell's bachelor party a strip club "known as venues that create criminal activity ... such as prostitution."

The demeanor of some witnesses....really? So basically, the judge didn't like how the black people spoke and/or looked? I mean, what does that mean? Since when does demeanor outweigh the truth? Since when does demeanor outweigh the reality that a man lost his life for no reason at all? A man who was actually a good guy, about to be married, and be a father to his two young daughters!

And seriously...did he deserve to die because they chose to take him to a strip club for his bachelor party?????!!!!! This man is DEAD and you justify his shooting because they had criminal records and went to a strip club. WOW.

I can't. I really can't.

R.I.P Sean Bell...Nicole Bell and your babies, this, too, shall pass.
