Barack Obama has won the democratic nomination! We knew this would happen...even when things got a bit extra (none of Barack's doin of course) with all the outside factors trying to shake him and bring him down. It didn't happen. And seriously, as secure and as confident as I've always been it is still just sinking in that a Black man is the first ever nominee for president of the United States ever. The historic value and significance of this greatness is almost mind blowing. Can you imagine the dance the ancestors are doing right now? Harriet Tubman is poppin and lockin all over that underground railroad!
Well done Barack Obama. Well done. And much love and a job well done goes to Michelle, Malia and Sasha Obama too! Oh...and Hillary, a job well done to you too. It has been somewhat inspiring (and annoying) watching you never give up. If you've taught women (and maybe all people) anything is that you ride the bull until it throws you off. If you don't believe in you, no one else will. You too have made history. So thank you for that. I really hope we can call you VP.
Well people, as Barack said..."Tonight we mark the end of one historic journey with the beginning of a new one...."
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