He says he is nobody's abuser. After Supahead went and told Perez and anyone else who would listen that Darius was beatin her ass, he finally responded to the accusations. “Darius says he didn’t hit her with his car — she ‘jumped on the trunk of my car and then the roof of my car. She started beating my vehicle and windows.’ It says she then attempted to get into the car by breaking the windows ‘with her fist.’ In another incident, Darius claims Karrine ’slapped me so hard that she hit a bystander." And I hate to choose sides when you have no idea who is really telling the truth but for some reason, I can absolutely see Supahead jumpin' on dude's car and then him speeding off while she was still on it and then she fell off and bust her own ass. Not to mention, Necole Bitchie, provides a lil reminder of what Darius said in the December 2007 issue of Sister 2 Sister....sounds like a bit of foreshadowing....like he knew Karrine was goin to pull some shit at some point.... “Karrine is a cool person. She’s the kind of person you can sit up and talk to. Honestly, I think that’s why a lot of dudes end up becoming her prey later on. Cause the minute you do something that she doesn’t like, then your business is in the streets and then she’s gonna put you on the Internet sleeping on her couch or she’s gonna say some things. Karrine is like a child: When she don’t get her way–and this is what I’ve seen firsthand–things get ugly. But I’m gonna tell you what I did, for real. I just fed her a bunch of bullshit”. “Because her thing is, she can’t have no man leaving her because it makes her look like she’s not the video vixen no more. And Karrine will do anything to keep her image. That was part of the reason why I decided to leave, because some of the things she said about me on the radio. There’s a lot of things that I could say about Karrine that wouldn’t make her look good. But I’m thinking about the type of person I am. And the way I was raised. The one thing I will say about Karrine that is negative that I can put out there, she admits to this, that she is a very controlling woman, and I can’t be controlled. Karrine is the type of broad that, she don’t want nobody telling her nothing. You almost have to kinda walk on eggshells when you’re dealing with her, and I ain’t no punk up in here” “This is my problem with Karrine. Whenever I do something, I think about how it would affect her. She’s not cognizant at all–when she says these things and does these things, like how is this gonna affect Darius? Her main thing is, ‘I gotta sell books. I’mma deal with you right now because wow, you’re more popular than I thought you were.’ That’s how she thinks. So its like one minute it’s all about me and then the next minute it’s Lil Wayne. And I will say this: She is really clever concerning the way she works the media.” “When we first started hanging out, Bobby pulled me to the side. We were at the George Clooney show. And Bobby pulled me to the side and he said, ‘D, get away from that girl.’ And seriously, it wasn’t because Bobby was jealous ’cause Bobby has always been like a big brother to me. He was like, ‘Dude, she gonna bite you, dude. And it’s just a matter of time, dude.’ You never know what’s gonna come out of her mouth. There might be some things that you say in private, and she won’t put you out there but she’ll make light of it. For instance, she didn’t realize how bad she hurt Bobby, putting that man on that couch like that on videotape. At the time the man was going through a divorce, a custody battle, he had financial issues, you know what I’m saying? That really hurt him.” “I was not in love with her. I was having a good time; I was having fun. We were friends having fun. I love her very much. But I love her in a different way. It’s not a thing of like it’s sappy, syrupy, lovey-dovey thing. She’s an individual I care for very, very much. And she is the type of person who, like I said, you could marry; you could be with. My main thing with her is that she talks too much…I know if she talks as much to me as she has about other people’s business, even if she didn’t gossip, whenever she’s in a relationship, if she’s had 100 men, there are 100 men that know each other’s business.” Makes you go hmmmmmm, doesn't it? Like who really gets beat up and runs to the media? Domestic violence is not a joke and if she is doing this to get back at him or lying just to get some attention then she is the scum of the fuckin earth. However, who really is to say that she's lying? Hip Hollywood has video of her 'crying' and discussing the abuse.....I dunno...those tears sound and look mighty fake to me...I think she might be more crooked than Bobby's mouth. To see for yourself, click: Supahead Sells Her Abuse Story |
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Darius aka Eddie Winslow Speaks Out
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12:35 PM
Labels: Things That Make You Go Hmmmm
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If this is true, it is extremely sad. I kind of want to believe her because she is right about seeing a different person when they are enraged and attacking you. I almost heard sincerity in her voice. At the same time, though, the whole video seems so fake and so staged, especially the cut-a-ways to her crying and stomping her foot. And I still can't get over the fact that she sent a text to Perez Hilton of all people after she was supposedly almost killed. Kinda takes away from her already slim credibility.
But if its true, I hope they both get the help they need.
I didnt hear one bit of sincerity in her voice. She knows the signs of an abuser she wrote about it in that first damn book (ok that is never to be spoken again that I read that book, long drive to SC)with Kool G rap. And Perez H is who you text, this is a publicity stunt I am pretty sure. And if Eddie Winslow ends up in jail behind this nonsense then she shouild be ashamed.
and if it is true, What are you teaching your child! He has to see this stuff going on especially if he allegedly put you in a sleeper hold that put you to sleep. I can't with her anymore its all so tainted.
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