Asking why I didn't talk about the MTV Movie Awards (and where have my Life in the Fab Lane recaps been). Well for one, the MTV Movie Awards were BORING (at least the little bit of it that I managed to catch of the re-run. Me and my boo Rih had the same expression on our faces the whole time...*deadpan*...*crickets*...*why the fuck am I here watchin this bullshit?*....

She at least had to be there because Chris Brown performed and you know, you have to support your man...I on the other hand, had no reason and proceeded to eat my tuna straight out the can. Which was way more enjoyable....
As for my KiKi recaps....I suck. Yes, I know. I have to tell you tho, that it gives me heart palps that you actually keep up with them. The problem is, I've been happily busy. And I've been missing episodes and don't even have time rezugsh them on the tivo...I mean once I do, its already time for the next ep that I done missed...and well, you get my point.
I can tell you that I saw a portion of one episode (maybe it was from this past Sunday) where Kimora is trying to lose weight and her trainer shows her how to make healthy alternatives (french toast: wheat bread, a sprinkle of egg beaters on top, a dash of cinnamon and put it in the toaster oven) and how to work out. KiKi does not like either but she decides to stick with it. She tries to show Ming Lee and Aoki Lee the rewards to being healthy. She takes the girls to Jamba Juice. I LOVE Jamba Juice. It is a health smoothie shop. My fave is the Caribbean Passion. YUM-EE! Anyway...they also have Wheatgrass shots. Ming wanted a muffin and KiKi said she would let her have a muffin if she had a shot. Of course Aoki is like I'll have a shot! Matter of fact, I'll have two shots! Ming is lookin like, just hell no! Aoki (my baby!!) takes those shots like the champ she is. Ming is strugglin but finally gets it down. Kimora is like you did it Mingy and tries to give her a hug and Ming shakes her head, gives the don't touch me shrug and proceeds to sip something real seriously from a straw...I guess to rid herself of the wheatgrassy nastiness.
So all that to say...sometimes I just don't feel like posting about stuff I don't care about and sometimes I just miss it and I can't. Either way, you know I try to make it do wut it do on a regula.
Luh ya'll!! Much love to BG for keepin me on my toes! |
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