Friday, June 13, 2008

New Muziq: Missy

Mkay...Missy has a new single out called "Best, Best" and well, you should definitely check it out for yourself but um, I'm not really feelin this joint...and I'm kinda mad about it. Missy is one of my faves and I'm pretty much always ready to pop-n-lock and drop it to most anything she touches. I think the problem with this joint is that while the beat is aiight, it isn't enough to keep me from actually listening to the words....and well, she is lying. Her whole song is about some man giving her the best sex ever. *crickets* Missy damn Elliot! You know those big juicy lips were made for the kitty! You don't know nothin bout no man givin you nothin but a beat. Seriously.

Please sing/rap about what you know. OR if you are gonna be lyin in your songs, at least make sure the production is on FIRE so that no one gives a flyin fig what da hell you are talkin bout and all they want to do is dance. I mean if this song came on in da club I would bounce to it but I wouldn't get amped like "that's my shiiiiiit!!!" and then run to the dance floor and give it to 'em.

You guys listen and give your feedback. To take a listen, click: Missy's real Best, Best is with a chic and a strap on.

Thanks for the 'listening party' WGB! Have fun on the island next weekend you lucky bitch!



Anonymous said...

BOOOOOOOO! There's no feeling behind the words, they're not believable, & I'm not buying it. Plus the lyrics are cheesy & childish. I stopped listening after Missy rhymed, "He takes me to the mall..."

On a positive note, I do like the lipstick/lipgloss color Missy is wearing in the picture.

*You've been tagged if you'd like to play!*

F.U. said...

I agree Park Ave...she is lookin cute-ish in that pic...the lipgloss is poppin.

And Missy's lyrics are most always childish, cheesy and make no sense (HeeHeeHeeHaw) so I was expecting that. What annoys me is that most times, the beats are so off the chain that you don't give a crap what's she sayin. If you do know the words to any of her songs, it's the chorus, or whatever happens to be repeated throughout the song. This song is lacking production wise and she doesn't even attempt to make up for it with her lyrics. Boo indeed, Park Ave. Boo indeed.