Monday, June 16, 2008

Oprah Inspires As Per Always....

How pumped would you be if Oprah gave the commencement speech at your college graduation?! I mean, I don't know if the diploma would mean as much as Oprah's advice and words of encouragement. Those Stanford University graduates got to hear Oprah tell them to "trust your gut."

When you are doing the work you are meant to do, it feels right," she said, as the Class of 2008 snapped photographs with their cell phones and tossed beach balls to each other in the warm morning sun. "Feelings are really your GPS system for life. Check your ego at the door and check your gut instead.

"Every wrong decision was the result of me not listening to my voice. If it doesn't feel right, don't do it."

I think this is something we all need to be reminded of. Trusting your instincts, believing in yourself, and knowing that the only wrong decision is the one never made.

O talked about building her school in Africa and while she was so busy worried about such little things like the thread count on the sheets the girls were sleeping on, she hired a teacher who sexual abused her girls.

"I had been paying attention to all of the wrong things," Winfrey said. "I built a school from the outside in, instead of from the inside out."

Another reminder to us all that getting caught up in the frivolous things -- the material things and all the extra crap that has nothing to do with the core of who you are -- you lose track of what is really important. And what is most important? Well I believe that differs person to person but ultimately, I think for all of us, when you pay attention to your natural joy and your happiness and who you really are, you know exactly what is most important and how to build your life from the inside out.

Oprah is clearly on this earth to teach us all as she continues to learn and grow herself. If this didn't inspire every last one of those graduates to go out and be determined to be beyond extraordinary, I don't know what would.

F.U. says: be amazing, be extraordinary, be inspiring, be YOU.

P.S. ya'll know when Mama O speaks, F.U. has to listen. Nobody gives me heart palps like Lady O. So I have to do my part and spread her word, for it is her purpose in this world share her knowledge, and it is part of my journey to be a witness and a receiver of it all.

Now get back to work Bitches!



matt williams said...

Man, I stan hard for Oprah. Love her until the day I die.

The F_Uitlist said...

I just saw someone else that makes your heart go pitter patter on my way to work.

Your favorite morning show host Robin Roberts. she is even more fab in person. Diane Sawyer however is not aging as well as you would think (TONS OF MAKEUP) and xoxox for Sam Champion. They were all walking out the studio door and I walked right into them. Thought I would share.

The F_Uitlist said...

You already know I live by what Oprah says. Any Black woman that can move the stock market gains my 100% respect.

F.U. said...

@ the f$%k it saw Robin Roberts?! That would have made my whole week....I can tell she is even more beautiful in real life and I love her short hair! And yeah, while I do love me some Diane, and she looks more fab than some of her old white women counterparts -- she is getting up there. And How U Doin Sam Champion? XOXOXOX to my whole GMA crew! Lucky you girl!