Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dude Look Like A Lady....

Kind of. So how bout the chocolate dancer in Yonce's Sinlge Ladies video is a man - people think - and he/she is the choreographer. So I watched the video, for the 9 millionth time, and I watched it without sound and I just focused on him/her. But of course! She/he is not the cutest thing but he/she is killin it! And I'm gonna say she is indeed a he. How I love the gays! How u doin!!!!

And now for your viewin pleasure, and so you can decide for yourself, one more gin.....


Anonymous said...

Well I be damnded! lol
I sat here and watched..and watched and I would have never figured that was a guy. After a close look the face aint too purty, but I still wouldn't have fingered her as a man.

He twirkin that thang ain't he..two snaps..gone girl!