Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Kimora Lee: Fabulously Preggers

I was hoping that Kimora would confirm her pregnancy with People mag or something but I guess she's letting people come to their own conclusions....and since she was out and about belly out, I just had to post. I cannot wait to see this baby! I really hope it's a boy so it can be an Adonis like his daddy. Anyhooo, congrats Kimora!!!



Anonymous said...

That is so NOT a flattering pic of Djimon. ANd I have had drinks on numerous occasions with the man, so I know he looks way better.

I hope Ki-Momo does something baout that neck after this baby. It's not snapping back the way ANY of us want it to. I think it's time for professional knife to neck help.

Im just glad her neck didn't turn black. That would've been too much.

F.U. said...

Geoffrey, after the baby, Kimora's neck will return to the usual double roll. She's fine with the double.

And no....Djimon is not cute in that pic.

ToshaRenelle said...

Wow, I thought I was the only one who peeped the neck...

matt williams said...

Ew what the hell!!! why does her gut look like that in that blouse???