Tuesday, July 24, 2007

MTB4: One More Thing!

So I'm listening to Wendy Williams right now and all the listeners want to talk about is MTB4!! The audience seems to be split. One side thinks that Laurie Ann was way out of line and it is Puff's show and she was way over the top with it and she just wants her own show and she was being all dramatic for her own benefit. And Puff had every right to get into her ass because she really did get beside herself and she didn't do what she was supposed to do. Then there is the other side that thinks that Diddy lost his mind talking to Boom Boom Kat and no man should talk to a woman like that and he's the one who is over the top and dramatic and instead of making them box and play basketball, they should have been rehearsing.

Wendy didn't watch last night so she can't give her own opinion but Laurie Ann is a friend to the show and when Laurie Ann was in the studio last week she discussed the chair throwin and Mike trying to hold her down and the fact that she has charges pending against both of them.

The real fact of the matter is that a whole lot of shit could have gone down that we just didn't see due to the power of editing. But from what we did see, I think Boom Kat just had enuff of Puffs demands and she is ready for her own show and she just said fuck it, I'ma do me and handle this how I want to. I also think that Puff is starting to see that Boom Boom is really trying to use her little part on the show to take her career to the next level and he of course was gonna nip that in the bud...so holla Boom Boom!

What do you think? Was Puff wrong? Was Boom Boom Kat wrong? Or are you like me and could give two shits who was wrong and just LOVE the drama?

Also, one of my readers reminded me of one very hilarious part that I failed to mention in my commentary....when Diddy told White Boy Dan that this is not Celebrity Fit Club!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!