Two Snaps and a applicay of shimmery lip gloss for Jennifer Hudson! According to PEOPLE, J. Hud will play Carrie Bradshaw's (SJP) assistant in the Sex and the City Movie. I love it! I'm assuming JH wouldn't take a lil silly assistant role just for the hell of taking a role....I'm thinking that this assistant has a real part and will be all up in the movie telling Carrie she can put that where? Yay for J. Hud!
And for those of you who asked me why I didn't post those skank ass nasty pics of 50 cent and Paris Skanton....um, why should I? Some shit is just not worth my energy, attention or time. 50 is tryna sell records and for some reason being seen with the Queen of Valtrex seems to be the way these dumb fucks like to go...and she let's them. So good for them.
Lastly, Kelly Rowland is still alive....there were rumors going around that she was dead. I just watched her bullshit Access Granted on BET last night for her new video "Ghetto" with Snoop....that shit is so wack, so boring, and just all around the worst. Since the song is the fuckin worst you would think she would make it do what it do with the video but nope. She's another underdog that I always root for but not anymore....she's beautiful but she's just corny as all hell. And one last thing....DAMN YONCE for giving Kelly the most stank ass ugly piece a shit House of DooDoo hoodie to wear in that damn video!!! She does it on purpose people....I'm tryna tell you. Like she has to laugh everytime she turns Kelly's mic off or makes her wear unnecessary bullshit. Why Yonce? Just why?
Anyway, here is Kelly's I'm not dead quote per Yahoo Music News: The 26-year-old returned from a trip to Asia earlier this year (07) to hear messages on her phone from her concerned and hysterical family, who believed she had passed away. Rowland says, “My family hadn’t spoken to me for 20 hours, so they were very worried. When I got off the plane, they’d left messages on my phone crying and asking me where I was and what was going on.
“It was scary for them. I have no idea how the rumor started but I made sure I put an end to it immediately.”
And here is that damn video:
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