Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Salt & Pepa's Here!!!!

O.M.G. Just watched the trailer for the new Salt & Pepa show on VH1. I'm already TOO excited!!! I didn't realize that Salt & Pepa were really not friends anymore....Pepa is mad that Salt left the group but Salt basically doesn't give a fuck because she had to find God and do what she needed to do for her. Pepa on the other hand just needed and still needs to be in the limelight. Anyway, in this scene the soon to be former Mrs. Shaquille O'Neil wants them to peform for Shaq's b-day party....Salt has issues with performing their songs and why oh why does Pepa say, I thought "Push it real good was about dancing?!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, I can't wait peoople. I can't wait! Take a look....