Friday, November 30, 2007

The Hills: FunnyorDie! did a remake of one of the scenes from The Hills with Audrina and Justin don't even have had to watch not one episode of the The Hills or even this scene specifically to find this shit hilarious. The sad part is they are dead on in their imitations....Audrina really does look and sound like a dead eyed idiot and Justin Bobby really does look and sound like a homeless wino. It only confirms that we allow ourselves to be brainwashed by bullshit because trust and believe I will definitely get glued to a Hills marathon and be ready to bitch slap Heidi and bust a cap in Spencer's ass. WHY????? Eh....just watch this.


letmethinkaboutit said...

omg i am so behind on reading your blogs. but i'm trying to catch up and i can NOT believe you covered this. i felt the EXACT same way as you when i saw it because i never in my life have ever watched the hills but when i saw this clip i was cracking up laughing. anyhoo - yeah i hate that stupid shit. they're all a buncha dumbass douchebags.