KiKi Lee and Djimon are in the latest issue of Harper's Bazaar discussing their relationship....Djimon talks about how Kimora really isn't as high maintenance as everyone thinks she is and Kimora says:
“He’s a reality check for me, and I’m a fabulosity check for him,” Kimora says. “After my breakup, I thought, I don’t need anything. Russell used to tell me, ‘You look good, you’re wealthy, you’re young, you have kids. Screw the world.’ And I kind of started to believe that. But now I have someone who has the heart, the soul, and the hotness. Who knows? I could be eating my words later, but I really doubt it. If people were betting, they would bet their good money on Djimon.”
I love that she says she has someone who has the heart, the soul, and the hotness....all the things Russell clearly didn't have. But Russell and Kimora used each other so that no longer matters...what really matters is that I could stare at both of them all day. Can you imagine what their sex is like...good gravy! Just dayum. DAYUM!

hmmmmm...I love the term: the heart, the soul, the hotness... it's so apropros... ;)
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