Tuesday, January 8, 2008

PETA's Worst Dressed List

So PETA has decided to come up with their own Worst Dressed list based on your votes. PETA says: "We're not entirely sure what makes these fashion-challenged celebrities shun compassion and wear the skin of dead animals. Maybe they are misguided by their stylists or publicists, or maybe they just don't care that animals are sometimes skinned alive for their coats. Some, like washed-up models or frantic pop stars, are desperate for attention, even when it's negative attention. Whatever the reason, we aren't about to sit by quietly as they walk around promoting cruelty to animals."

PETA wants you to vote. Which celeb do you think deserves to be on their Worst Dressed list and by Worst Dressed (in case you don't get it) they mean those who rock more squirrel than the family eatin those nuts outside your window?

These are just some of the offenders they have listed for you to vote for. Should you give a rat's ass (get it, rat's ass...heehee) then vote.

On a personal level, I think I'm on the fence about fur....I mean, my ice box melts a lil when it comes to animals....like I think I like animals more than I like people....but then I think, the kind of animals that are skinned alive for the coats and boots and stuff aren't animals that I would be playing with and make my friends, right? Plus, while I know I would never spend my money on a fur, if someone bought me a coat, I would wear that shit in August.


molly said...

i agree with you on the fur issue
love your blog by the way

Elle said...

That first pic with Mary J and Patti makes me uncomfortable but other than that, bring on the fur! You know a b*tch will rock a grizzly like it's going out of style. Sorry squirrels of the world!