Don't do it. Don't try and get at me cuz I said something about you or your mama or I posted a picture of you lookin' a hot stank ass mess. I know damn well I didn't take that picture nor do I care to take any credit for doing so. I also will talk about you and whoever else I damn well feel like talkin about. Should you have an issue with that, feel free to keep it movin. I makes no apologies. It is what it is and like I done said....Yeah, I Said It. And What? Bitches!!!
Doug Benson, one of my favs from Best Week Ever has decided to do a documentary a-la "Super Size Me" in which he will study himself and the goodness that is WEED to see what will happen if he smoked everyday for 30 days.
What do you think would happen to you if you smoked everyday for 30 days....or do you already do that? I mean I know the chief....actually, he's most recently become one of my best friends (fuckin peer pressure!) and thanks to this hot dude with glasses, the shit we get is like ree-diculously potent. Like I've been high in my dreams after passing out from this shit. One time driving home, I thought a bus was trying to get me. More importantly, I inhale any kind of food that is around me. Like devour. I already don't chew my food when I'm not high. Yeah, I'm the greedy bitch that will bite into something knowing its too HOT, burn my mouth, and still try to do the chew and blow. So when I am high, oh its out of control.
Example, not high, my friend says, I don't have any food but I have some quaker oatmeal cereal. I was like nope, I don't want that shit. Then I get high. I was eating those oatmeal shits like they were fuckin hot wings. Tearin dem shits up!
So what's my point? My point is that I would be 350 pounds and trying to dodge buses if I smoked 30 days in a row. Altho, I would prolly love it. And I salute the chief, Doug Benson, for makin it do wut it do!
I don't smoke, but love documentaries and truly think this one would be seriously funny!
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