Thursday, January 10, 2008

Did Common Tell Serena To Da Lef?

According to Serena's blog, she fell in love with someone, let her ice box melt a lil bit, thought this guy was different -- maybe even the ONE -- and then he turns out to be a jackass loser like all the ones before. And why is he a jackass loser? Well because he disappeared for a week and didn't return her (prolly a mazillion) phone calls and then when he does call, he says he needed space. Here is just a snippet of her post:

As you begin to ask him what happened he stops you. He says "I need space". You cringe at these words. This is the very reason you begin to think why your heart was in that steel enclosure. The reason you don't put your emotions your feelings, your heart into it. Because one day it always turns in to this day. But you are already too far out you are at the point of no return, you can't come back. You can't believe, although a piece of you does believe it. Space. How many time have you heard this before? Space? Wasn’t you giving him enough? Space. Hummm you laugh because its so ridiculous. You laugh because again u knew this day would come. Why did you not listen to that little voice inside your hear telling you to "watch out". "Be careful". You laugh only because tears won't come.You know its not you, but u cant help but look at that man in the mirror. You can't help but pick yourself apart. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? And again and again you can't come up with the answer. Slowly as you try to focus on other things and think of other people you put you heart back into that steel case.

Serena sounds like she might turn into the Incredible Black Hulka, take her tennis racket and with her bionic arm, beat a mofo's ass while screaming Why?!! Why??!!! Why??!! I tried to fix my weave! I actually put dresses on with matching accessories! I wore lipstick for you!!!! I even let you bang me in my ass for hours on end which is why I got holes in my stockings!!! WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME!!!

Serena, its never that serious boo. Don't let me catch you on the next episode of Snapped.

To read Serena's whole posting click: And I Wish I Never Met Him At All


Anonymous said...

Serena sounds like she could be a stalker! she's way too dramatic! Its just a lil sick duck boo:)

F.U. said...

LovetoGiggle...I'm afraid. Serena does sound like she could go a lil "No wire hangers" on a mofo...but I mean...its Common. I might lose my mind for a minute after a lil Common SD. :)