Two of my all time fave America's Next Top Model alums, Ya-Ya and Bree, were at the Essence honors Tyra Banks soiree. I'm LOVING their hair. Prolly because my hair kinda sorta just a lil bit looks like that right now. I might need a lil more sheen or something and a part...but um, yeah, I'm going to believe that I'm pullin it off right now.
And more importantly, I love that they came out to support Tyra and they both look gorg! And go head Ya-Ya for stayin with a pay check. She has a new movie on Lifetime with Charles S. Dutton.
Gorgeous! I would need the mane, tail and a lacefront to achieve that look.
LOL at Elle.
YaYa looks amazing! I didn't like her on the show--her attitude was not cool. But I respect her post ANTM hustle.
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