Monday, March 10, 2008

Baby Hounsou?

So word has been floating around that KiKi Lee is preggers with Djimon's baby. The two of them are so luscious that the thought of them having a baby is almost drool worthy. Although I am a lil worried.....see, sometimes hot people don't make the prettiest babies. My babies Ming and Aoki are gorg because they have the fugly gene from their daddy. I think it is almost fact that two fugs absolutely ensure a hot one. A fug and a hot are like a 50/50 chance and could go either way (there was a minute I was worried about Aoki...) and two hot ones inexplicably will make a fug. I have my fingers crossed for Halle's baby too...



Elle said...

Hmmmm yeah...I think your scientific calculations are dead on here. I think if it's a boy, he's pretty much guaranteed to be hot. A girl on the other hand...