Friday, March 14, 2008

Chris Rock Would Rather Shoot Heroin

I find this to be hilarious. Even in a fucked up situation, Chris Rock is funny. It prolly shouldn't be funny but this is just another example of how fuckin some big tittie ho seems fine at the time but then like a jackass you take her to THE IVY and she saves your cum in a kleenex.

Private detective, Anthony Pellicano, is currently facing charges for unlawful wiretapping and racketeering because he taped a 31-minute conversation between himself and Chris Rock in 2001. Memba Monica Zsibrita? Well in the call they had, they were talking about Monica's claims that Chris raped her and was the father of her baby. Rape charges were never filed and it was proven that Chris was not the father. (How great would it have been if they did the results on Maury?!) Anyway, Chris admitted to having sex with Monica while he was separated from his wife, Malaak. Somehow Anthony got hold of the police report and is going over it with Chris in the phone call.

Here is part of the conversation that had me crackin up:

Rock: "I know the night we went to the Ivy she had on white pants. I only noticed cause my wife's real classy and subdued and I'm out with a girl with big tits and white pants. It's just, I know people were like, 'heeey'."

Pellicano (reading from report): "He tried to pull out and ejaculated on her thighs. She immediately got up and went to the bathroom where she cleaned up with a Kleenex. She put the Kleenex in her pocket."

Rock: I've been so set up...

Pellicano: Did you come on her thighs?...

Rock: I had a rubber on. I probably took it off right when I was getting ready to come. I probably came on her ass.

Pellicano: We're going to get her one way or the other... Does your old lady know what's going on?

Rock: No. She thinks it's over, put it that way. She knows of it.

Rock: Rape is just fucking, buzz, you know?... Once your accused of rape, you're just FUCKED, you know?

Pellicano: That's why i want to blacken this girl up, totally. I want to make her out to be a lying, scumbag, manipulative cocksucker... Stupid bitch

Rock: I'm fucked. I'm better getting caught with needles in my arm. WAY better. Needles, with pictures, there's Chris Rock shooting heroin. Much better blow to the career.

Anyway, should you want to read the whole transcript, check it out at Huffington Post.