Thursday, April 3, 2008

Fabulosity of the Day: Derek Blanks - Celebrity Alter Egos

Celebrity photographer Derek Blanks put his work on display at the ‘Derek Blanks Alter Ego Photography Exhibit’ in Atlanta. His work is fabulous and incredibly creative.

Amerie pulls her own strings

Bre bares it all and does a self-full frontal

Ciara the hero/damsel in distress (its all about saving yourself)

Eva takes a hot. (I swear I get a hard on whenever I see her. She is officially in my rotation.)

Kim Porter is the do it all Mommy. Those babies are just adorable.

To learn more about Derek Blank, hit up his Myspace page: Derek Blank



LBIC said...

That Eva one is great. And the Bre one too.

TravelDiva said...

Eva and Bre were working it!!!