I know we are all excitedly counting down to May 30th when The Sex and the City movie hits theaters. Women all over the country and their best girlfriends will prolly be buying Manolo Blahnik's and clinking glasses filled with Cosmos in celebration. We all can't wait to see how the women, who made running to catch taxis in cocktail dresses and 4 inch stilettos in the best city in the world are doing and more importantly, we all want to see Carrie finally all grown up and no longer single and sexy in the city.
Oddly enough, with Carrie getting married (or at least we think she's getting married -- we haven't seen the movie yet) she's joining the minority. In the decade since Sex and the City first hit HBO, more women are single in this country than ever before. "New York still has the most in the nation, with more than 200,000 more single women than men. Nationwide roughly 51 percent are now single and have had an average of four sexual partners."
So the question is, are women over feeling like they need to be married? Are women done with feeling inadequate because they aren't in a serious relationship? Are women embracing their sexuality and realizing that commitment and sex aren't synonymous? Are women understanding that life can be as wonderful as you make it, with or without a man? I'm not so sure. I'd like to believe it, but who really knows.
Could it be that the reason that single women outnumber single men is simply just because there just aren't enough men to go around? The ones that are available just aren't worth it? If there is supposed to be somebody for everybody, then where is the balance?
There aren't any real answers to these questions, but you know I always value thoughts and opinions, so feel free to take a shot.
I don't think the statistics matter. I don't think the answers will prove true for everybody and every situation. I think women are single just because they are. For some it is a choice. For others, they pray everyday that the man she just exchanged numbers with will be the one. I say, what is meant to be, will. Just love life. That's all. Just love it. If that includes purchasing a pair of Manolo Blahnik's just because you can, then do it!
14 days until my Sex and the City movie review!!!
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