Friday, June 13, 2008

Just Why?

Seriously, just friggin why?! Please read the caption Fox News has put under a stupid ass story about Michelle Obama. "Baby Mama"?! I struggled with whether I should even acknowledge this crap but the racism and the ignorance is just too much not to put out there. Not that you all don't know that Fox News is the most racist and dishonest "news" channel on television but I guess I believe it is my duty to remind people. It's sad actually. But who cares, Obama will be Prez!!!!



Anonymous said...

Thanks for reminding me, I knew there was a reason I stopped watching FOX news in the morning.

The F_Uitlist said...

OH HELL NO! How dare they! I think I may have to write to that awful station about that.

They just won't lay off. But thats alright when he is Prez they are going to be sorry!