Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Pics O' The Day

Two of my BFFs (Luh me some Shortie Doo and Bella!) made my day by sending me some really interesting pictures and I, of course, had to share. Mkay....

Only a jackass with some serious nerve would roll up at a Feminist rally with a sign that says "Iron My Shirt Bitch"...I LOVE HIM! Whoever you are, can we please be friends?!!

Only a nasty bitch would take a shit, not flush the toilet, prolly didn't wash her hands either, and then proceed to take a "sexy" picture in her dirty draws for her myspace page. Does it get any more sad and disgusting? Bitch clearly sent the picture after looking at it and seeing that she had doo doo turds in the toilet. Is this something that the kiddies do now? I just took a shit, how hot am I? I want you to see how my ass taste. SMH

Only a dumb bitch would fuck up the writing on a cake. The customer clearly gave their order to Shawakkaneenee who was hired at the ghetto bakery, and clearly she barely finished 5th grade. So when the customer called and said, can you please make a cake that says "Best Wishes Suzanne and underneath that please write We will miss you".....Shawakkaneenee wrote everything the customer said - almost word for word. Other than the obvious problem, bitch couldn't even spell underneath. Did she really write "Under Neat that"? JUST WHY LORD?! And just to be fair, should the dumb ass who messed up this cake be a male - please just insert Rayqwon for Shawakkaneenee. Sigh....I'm done. I can't. I really can't. (And my eyes are prolly deceiving me but doesn't the "z" in Suzanne look like a "y"?)


Miss P said...

stop playin! i JUST forwarded these pics this mornin! i'm startin 2 think we might know the same people...

did you see the Deception one? i was rofl!

F.U. said...

Hey P! These pics have been floating around for a while but I just re-found them and had to post them. All of them had me gigglin but I had to put up my faves.

A mess!

Glennisha Morgan said...

Damn. That's sad.