Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mantyhose? You've Got To Be Kidding Me!

Officially shocked and rupauled that any man not named Miss J. Alexander would wear some fuckin mantyhose. I can't even put tights/pantyhose on without gettin a run in those bitches so there is just no way in all da hell that men can handle the delicacy of pantyhose and choose to rock them for fashionable purposes. And WHY would they??? Now I know that there are men who wear tights for their professions - there are men dancers and there are men athletes who wear tights/spandexy kinda things but um that is a totally different situation. These shits have designs, are in all colors, and is that one guy wearin cut offs wit the cuffs rolled up? I can't.

Side note, I happen to hate stockings of any kind. Are you surprised? They make me itch and I feel uncomfortable the entire time I'm wearin them HOWEVER, I do love some fishnets cuz my legs were built for those and when its unavoidable I will wear some stockins and be hot to def. I could be placing my annoyance with pantyhose on men who would purposely wear them but I digress...

This ain't about me. This is bout what kind of man is really tryna wear Mantyhose. Well a company called e-MANcipate! seems to believe any and all men need to get up on rockin pantyhose.

They say: "e-MANcipate! is a project to accelerate the acceptance of male pantyhose as a regular clothing item." And they are dead serious.

So men, are you tryna get your Mantyhose on? Take a look at just some of the Manty flavas: Two snaps for mantyhose!

Ladies, what if the most manliest man rolled up on you tryna holla. He's clearly hot, body looks right and then you look down....can mantyhose become acceptable for all men?

I'm goin wit NO...but we all know I gots issues. Maybe you may think differently.

via Source