Monday, June 15, 2009

F.U. Giveaway: And The Winners Are....

The winners of F.U.'s giveaway of Wendy Williams' final installment of the Ritz Harper series, Ritz Goes to Hollywood!:

Drum roll please....

The girl who doesn't like Wendy because she makes up words that don't mean anything and her sister uses them regularly.

The girl who doesn't read.

And Elle.

I really wanted Ava to win one because she actually loves Wendy and knows what Ritz is all about....but F.U. doesn't do Myspace and wasn't gonna create an account just to tell her that I need to know where to send her book. Sorry Ava E. You should still pick up your copy on Amazon or something cuz you know this book is good!

I'd like to thank all the participants and those of you who support the F.U. Movement!

Shout out to Sneak Attack Media. Thank you Myles!


Elle said...

WOOOOOOOOO!!!! (This is such a woo girl moment)

YES! It's mine!!!! Thanks F.U. boo!

Ava E. said...

Girl, it's ok...I'll borrow the copy from a friend! Love you too F.U.!

F.U. said...

You are so welcome, Elle!

Ava, you're the bestest!

Tell your friends to join the F.U. Movement!!!!

They might could win a book :)

Unknown said...

Hey Ava, you can borrow my copy because I don't read!

Ava E. said...

awww...Tarneka, that's sweet, but only if F.U. says it's ok! lol

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

*Ahem* I mean, REALLY?! Oh, thank you, I never win anything! This is great!