Monday, September 14, 2009

I Was Like Um...

The VMAs. Nothing much to say. It was a womp womp. I knew I shoulda just watched True Blood. Anyway, Janet did what she needed to do for her brother, Kanye is an asshole as per usual (why is er'body shocked and rupauled...cuz he stole the mic from a lil country singer & told da truth...he's done this before. Let us not forget this is the man that cried and thru a hissy fit on stage when he didn't win awards he felt he deserved and told the world that George Bush doesn't care about black people. Since when has Kanye not said what he wanted, when he wanted?), Beyonce is the epitome of hotness and class, and Lil Mama's diagonal was off...the mental ward is callin lil girl.

Anyhooo, while there wasn't a damn thing good about the VMAs, I was totally entranced by this press conference after the Buffalo Bills game....this prolly shouldn't be funny as this dude might really have a SERIOUS medical situation that makes him stutter and/or just get really, really, nervous but I was like um.....

Heehee....wooo wooo my time just breathe and relax.


Anonymous said...

Do the right thing is smart to do should not do is ignorance.





Anonymous said...

That sh!t sounds like a remix!!! like umm, like umm, like umm...
You a fool for that one...lmao