Friday, January 11, 2008

Halle All A-Glow!

Mommy-to-be Halle Berry is the latest cover girl for InStyle Mag. Halle can simply never do any wrong...altho if I had the chance, I might pluck her in her right eye for lying about Eric Benet...but then we would be friends again. Anyhoo....this cover was clearly shot a couple of months ago because she was out and about recently looking like she is ready to pop. In any case, she's delightfully yummy in this spread. You can't help but be happy for her!


Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

She's going to have the hottest baby ever!!


Imp F.B.A.

voting has been moved up to Feb 1st.


Anonymous said...

Share the dirt on Hallie lying about Eric Benet,


F.U. said...

BeautyinBaltimore...Halle said a few things about Eric's sexual activity and him being an addict...for one, he isn't an addict, and she failed to mention her indiscretions....and not only did she cut Eric off but she cut India off....and I didn't appreciate that. But like I said, after a good pluck, I'll be over it.