Monday, August 4, 2008

Hairspray Bitch and Bianca From ANTM Brawl

So I had heard about, but didn't really care about the fight that went down in the Turks & Caicos airport between Nikki Blonsky and Bianca. But I came across video of the drama after the fight went kind of makes no sense that we didn't get the whole fight cuz whoever is talkin in the video clearly saw the whole thing go down. Anyway, according to the reports, Bianca's family asked Hairsprays family to move some of their bags so they could sit down. They moved their stuff but they were talkin shit while they did and then said something about a nigger. Supposedly somebody in Bianca's crew said something like she didn't want to sit next to a white bitch. Well clearly those are fightin words and ish went down. Bianca's mother got beat down by Hairspray's father and is still in the hospital with a broken nose and a cracked skull. DAYUM. Hairspray, her father and Bianca were all arrested. Bianca was released on bail. I'm guessin that means Hairspray and father are still in the pokey. I wonder do they give you plantain for lunch in a carribean jail?

According to this video, the Hairsprays started it all. The lady talking in the background says "See this is how they try to make black people look bad." Take a look at the video for yourself. If for no other reason to hear the lady say, "Is that my plane? Is that my flight cuz I gotta go!" She ain't got time for all this bullshit.


Anonymous said...

I'm soooooo mad the video is no longer available. Is an airplane seat so serious that a woman had to end up in a hospital over it? Just nicely move your stuff! We ALL have to slide over or whatever. It's a part of riding a plane.

Maybe the BLOBskies should consider a private plane if they don't play well with others.

F.U. said...

Did you say BLOBskies, PA? LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!