So Aubrey is milkin this white trash, slutty, whore image for all its worth. An you know what, can we be mad? Like really, Danity Kane is on its way to the Bad Boy Grave Yard and she has to have something else to fall back on. So why not be a skanky cheap ho? All I want to know is, did we really have to know that you have sex while you have your period nasty bitch? Like even some hos don't tell everything. Ugh....
Here is just some of her interview in Complex Magazine:
What does she think about being called a slut and stuff?
If I have to be ridiculed and called a whore and the party animal and the dumb girl for the rest of my career, I’m OK with that. Because I love who I am. You’re going to have to interpret me however you’re going to interpret me.
So does she masturbate to her porn star best friend Jenna Jameson?
I watched her before she was my BFF, I don’t watch her anymore. I was actually masturbating one night to, like, Anal Sex Compilation #3 or whatever, and she was in it and I was like, “Oh no!” I had to turn it off. It was horrible.
Say there, what kind of porn do you like?
I usually watch black guys doing white girls, that’s my little fetish, even though in real life race isn’t a factor for me. Really, I’m more turned on by watching the girls than the guys. I love someone who looks like they’re really into sex.
Say what now?
Yeah. There was some new guy I was dating, and it was the first time we were going to go there, and he was weird about it. So I ask Jenna for advice and she’s like, “Honey, it’s just a little war paint, who cares?”
Well that's all she is in a nutshell. For Aubrey, period is just a lil war paint, she likes to watch black guys fuck white girls, jacks off to Anal sex porn tapes, and she clearly says all of this shit because she knows people like me - bloggers and such - will talk about her. And the worst publicity is no publicity. Good work outta you skank!
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