My three favorite girls, Kimora, Ming and My Aoki, were at my favorite Ice Cream shop - Coldstone Creamery - to create two new ice cream flavors that will be served at the Baby Phat/KLS 10th Anniversary Fashion Show taking place on September 12.
Ming's ice cream flavor is banana ice cream with fudge and yellow cake. Sounds tasty right? Aoki got straight up sugar happy and zsughsed some cotton candy ice cream, strawberry ice cream wit gummy bears, sprinkles, and white chocolate chips. Even I can't eat that. I needs my teefus. Yours are still fallin out, so its all good baby girl. Eat that cotton candy, strawberry, gummy bear, sprinkles, white chocolate chip concoction til your stomach hurts!
What do you usually get when you go to Coldstone? I get the "Nella" (created by my GBFF that you've all met if you listen to The F.U. Hour) which is Cake Batter Ice Cream, Brownies, Caramel and a lil zsugsh of Pecans. I could eat a large one of those er'day. Seriously. Yuuuuuum. Dammit, now I got get my ass to a Coldstone.
Hey Gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl!!! lol
I've been so very busy, but I had to stop by and give you a shout out!!!
Ughhh Coldstone??? I can't... I've been to the big one on 42nd st, and I've been to one in Wisconsin (and you know they have nothing but dairy up there...) but on both occassions, I've been dissapointed... I don't really like Coldstone... I've tried the white chocolate and went running out of the store in disgust... but I guess the breakfast cereal flavor is aiight!!!lol
Kimora's head looks...bloated, big? lol but the youngest kid is cute...lol
BB! Hey boo!!!! I can't believe you've had such horrible Coldstone experiences. Maybe its cuz we have sessions with the Chief prior to our Coldstone outings....er'thing is always beyond yummy.
Anyhooo, funny you mention Aoki being the cutest. When they were babies, Ming was definitely the cuter of the two but Aoki has indeed taken the cutest crown. However, they are both beauties to me.
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