Thursday, December 18, 2008

Madea Goes To Jail

Will you be makin it your bizness to see this? I think I need to see Rudy play a crack head ho. I mean, she barely played a regula schmegula girl in the Beauty Shop movie, so I can't even imagine how she digs deep to play this role. Also, if I factor in the fact that Madea is funny and Derek Luke is the one person in the whole film that can act and is HOT....I think it is absolutely me worth me going to the theater to see it...but someone else will be payin.

It comes out February 2009.


Miss P said...

oh hell to the yeah! i will be first in line to see this! i LOVE madea. ima have to trick mr d though. he's gonna be mad as hell when he realizes it!

Anonymous said...

I love Tyler Perry, but I dont know about the Madea movies......kind of reminds me of Amos and Andy type stuff, stuff that really isnt funny if you think about it too long..... I dont know. But I love you Tyler Perry!

The F_Uitlist said...

I'll be the first one seeing this crazy movie because I love me some Madea. Won't have t trick Mr. F$%K it, its my turn to pick the movie. HAHA

Anonymous said...

Don't know, I think I will wait for the DVD. Madea is funny, but how many times can we see the same type of plot again?

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see this