We've reached the point of the season that we know who is going on tour and who is clearly the best of the best. Now we find out who finally is gonna win this shizz! The couples are no longer together, everyone is dancing with someone new, and the judges no longer have a say in who stays and who gos. As Debbie Allen reiterated, at the end of the day, unfortch it isn't about the best dancer but your favorite dancer. So, it's up to YOU...don't piss me off people. Let's get it! (Sort of)
I'm tired tonight and there is too much going on - group numbers, solos, couple dances....I can't. So I'm just gonna give my overall opinion on who was the bestest and who needs to put it in a seat.
  BEST dance of the night hands down, Jason and Jeanine. HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! Contemporary number choreographed by Travis Wall from SYTYCD season 2 was AMAZING. That was literally one of the best routines ever on SYTYCD. Jason and Jeanine finally got to show their talent. They showed us all why they are here. They were so sexy, so passionate, and they executed that dance reediculously well. Travis is the reason Jason and Jeanine were able to show how talented they are. And Travis...how spectacular are you?! Somebody tryna give Mia Michaels a run for her money, eh? In this dance they had this heart necklace that they throw to each other and use as part of the dance, the lifts, the rippin of the costumes, the synchronicity.....superb. Well friggin done.
(I did also really enjoy Brandon and Melissa's Broadway routine. Have I mentioned that I LOVE Brandon??!!)
Evan danced a fantastic solo! He really is Gene Kellyish. He dances so much better by himself. He needs to be on Broadway.
 But again....dancin for his life, takin the solo to new heights, Ade showed them all what a solo sposed to be!
And ummmmmmmm I thought the boy's African dance piece was off da chain!!!!!!!! Did Evan really dance that damn dance? I'm so proud of him! He held his own!!!! They worked together, they hit their marks, and they smashed it. Loved it!!!
(I also loved how Debbie Allen had to let them know that African dance is where most all dance forms originate. Speak on it Debbie!)
Overall I don't think anybody needs to put it in a seat. I thought everyone was great, however, I'm ready to see Randi go. Over her. |
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